Q&A 1

Published on 13 June 2024 at 21:05

Weekly I ask the party questions.
Here are some of the responses (canon may vary)

(These are all prior to Night of the Eye)

Where does your character feel the most at home?

  • Bron feels most at home in the Dandy Rose's workshop. It's not very large and has windows he can watch the world go by through.
  • I think the closest to "home" Ryai got recently was the library back at the blue cloak manor. He has a lot of positive associations with libraries and archives outside of being a fucking nerd lol. He's pretty determined to turn his corner of the ship into one if he can help it.

If your character had time to pick up any artisan’s tools, game set, instrument, etc., what would it be?

  • Ryai I think would be interested in learning how to play an instrument like the viol. He'd probably like the different outlet of expression
  • (Konguq) Fuck it, alchemist tools for funsies
  • Bron would like to pick up calligraphy (Konguq:I would be delighted getting a handmade birthday card from Bron)
  • Vodren would probably pick up sewing. I can also see him making the thread by hand (Ryai: A real homestead man)
  • Tbh I could see Ace wanting to pick up an instrument like a lute or something. I could see him playing fun and dancey songs in town squares to try and liven up the people or even just the kiddos

What would your character’s Zodiac sign be, following stereotypical astrology?

  • Ace is a straight up Aries hands down
  • Ryai started as a Pisces but I think home boy is a cancer now
  • Vodren is a fucking Capricorn (Laughs in compatibility with cancer)
  • (Konguq) Virgo, I think. Nothing else feels right


What is the biggest mistake your character has ever made?

  • Ryai asking Tellum to get word from Qualinost on how they're doing. It brought Vanthanoris to Crossing and lead to people getting hurt and eventually him committing murder
  • Bron's biggest mistake was making the vow to never use weapons again. It's only gonna get rougher for him.
  • You know what Ace's is most likely not talking to Bluecloak shortly after Telum blackmailed him. Also doing that all alone, it almost cost him his life And he will certainly think twice before doing that again
  • (Vodren) If he regrets something he tried to absolve that regret as soon as possible
    Like the only thing that just came to mind is backing out of the harvest festival the first time but even that worked out because he was so firm in his convictions and was willing to analyze his reasons for doing so

Why is your character’s lowest stat their lowest (the in-character reason, not “because there’s no reason for a wizard to have 16 strength, duh”)?

  • Ryai had no need to worry about strength since the heaviest thing he was lifting in his life were books. (And he probably just asked someone else to grab the ones he couldn't) he still doesn't seem all that concerned by it lol.
  • Bron isn't here to make friends. He's got a job to do and if people don't understand that he knows the best way to do it they can get out of his way. 18 years in a cell also haven't done any favors to keeping his social skills sharp.
  • Vorlo is a big guy, not light on his feet. But the biggest factor to his clumsiness is that he's just careless with his movements. Even when he's not high.
  • (Konguq) The thought process was every child in her village is trained to and hold their own in a fight. However once her aptitude for magic manifested, she was pulled out of physical lessons and given a more appropriate academic education. So strength & dexterity are low, but intelligence is high.
  • Ace is light on his feet, but especially after his leg injury lifting or other things like that are more of a strain than worth it. Doesn't mean he's weak, but he's definitely less inclined for strength based things than not.
  • Vodren never relied on his strength living in the woods. Yes, he did some manual labor solely because he was larger than his clan mates, but he has always been light on his feet and had a good head on his shoulders. Being trained by the tribe's shaman helped him expand his awareness and become more insightful, expanding his wisdom. The longer he meditated on the nature of his veganism shortly before he was chosen by Habakkuk, the more his mind expanded


What is your character’s sexuality/relationship with sex?

  • Bron has never liked being intimate or vulnerable, probably falls under aro/ace.
  • Vorlo approaches sex with his typical carelessness. He's hetero, and when in the mood tends to play the "monster in the sheets" angle at whatever tavern he happens to be at. If nobody bites, it's off to nearest corner to buy some companionship.
  • Ace is pan, he likes anyone who catches his eye. However, he's not one to jump on the first cutie he sees. He likes to take things slow, see what they like first before going forward. Top, bottom, left, right, he doesn't really care where he is so long as he and his partner for the evening are having fun.
  • Ryai's so far in the closet with his bisexuality he doesn't even realize he's bi. He's been "strongly encouraged" to try and be close with Paladithel that he never really took the time to explore how he felt about others. And he's only had one sexual partner and it went so great that he's terrified of being that vulnerable again. I don't think he's sworn off of it, but it would be something he would have to work back up to with a partner he trusts.
  • Konguq likes sex, she likes boys. Her philosophy has always been “do what or who makes you happy” I don’t think the concept of slut shaming exists in her culture, as long as everyone is practicing safely.

If your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would they lead?

  • if things would have went how he wanted back home, Ryai would have been very much into the cultural conservation of the Qualinesti. Outside of that, he probably would have found a place with a need for scholars and started work with them. (Provided they kept his identity a secret)
  • Prior to Crossing you couldn't get Ace to touch politics with a ten foot pole. He would've be happy running around the streets of any city, taking what he wants and doing what he wants. However, after Crossing? He doesn't think maybe being a Lord or court person would be so bad. At least, he doesn't think that anymore. And if its Ace, he could fit himself into that postion no problem I'm sure
  • Bron could've gone two ways: either a poor excuse for a ringmaster or your average dwarven blacksmith.
  • Vorlo probably would've joined up with the Dragonarmies as a medic, then washed out and gone back to dealing.(Ace: Thank god we took Vorlo sounds like. He gets the best of both worlds: dealing and being a medic)
  • I think Konguq would be would be establishing a trading company. Eventually, she creates an empire. It’s basically this world’s version of Amazon and becomes a better Jeff Bezos.

What makes your character feel safe?

  • d-does Ryai feel safe? Has Ryai ever felt safe since he left home? He craves control over himself, but that's not something that makes him feels safe. He feels like he has to fight, lie, and murder to keep his autonomy. Probably the safest he ever felt was after the Knights of Solomnia festival. He was being pursued and harassed, but he was helped. Ace pulled him out of the room, Vodren initiated the search, Konguq apprehended the culprit. And Blue Cloak listened I think he feels safest when he doesn't have to have such tight control. When he can surrender and lean on someone else. Hilariously, his greatest fear contradicts this lol
  • Full plate makes Bron feel safe. ;D
  • Ace makes Vorlo feel safe. He doesn't push him out of his comfort zone, and Vorlo feels like Ace has the heart of a knight even if he doesn't know it.
  • Ace feels his safest up high. Rooftops, the masts of the ship, the tops of city walls, the tops of trees. He's always felt happier up higher, it feels more freeing than anything else.
  • I think vodren feel safest when he is in a flow state . He has always gotten in the most trouble when he's been in his head and not really listening to his heart. He has everything he needs to be safe within him, it's only his own self that disconnects that safety from him

How did your character learn the languages that they speak?

  • It was a requirement that Ryai learned Nestari. As a young noble child it showed that he was learned and educated and would make a fine future wife. Luckily for him it also meant he got to read all the really old books and documents.( I imagine it was the same for common as well, that he was knowledgeable and could communicate with other races. )

    Draconic however, he chose to learn on his own. When he was a child he used to be scared of dragons,(due to what I imagined was a mishap with a dragon statue) but as he got older he felt drawn to them. What started as an attempt to understand the thing that scared him became an obsession, making him a bit of an expert on them along with their language.

    Interestingly, he didn't consider the idea he would have actually used them in conversation at any point. And is a little elated to have used them lol

  • Vodren learned goblin to better integrate into his found family in the tribe. He leaned abanasinian from his parents before he was separated from them. I wanna say he learned Sylvan during his training with the shaman of the tribe. I'm thinking that he got a download from the spirits in meditation one day when he was trying to connect to whatever forces of nature existed in the direwood. He's not exactly sure what or who it was that gave him that information, but he is grateful because it deepened his relationship with nature


Who in the party would your character trust the most to keep an important secret?

  • Vorlo would trust Vodren.
  • Bron would trust Bron.
  • I think vodren would trust Ace. Not just because he's a smooth talker and good at lying, but he'd trust him to use the information in the best way possible if absolutely necessary
  • Ace probably trusts Ryai or Konguq most. With either he knows that they won't be ones to say anything unless they absolutely have to.
  • I think out of everyone he would probably tell Vorlo or Vodren first. He probably feels that their more down to earth natures might make whatever it is go over smoother. Unless it's a secret that needs taken care of, then it's Ace. He trusts that he can get the wheels in motion to get it done.


What would be your character’s major in college?

  • Ace would probably be something involving children. Maybe even like social work or something.
  • Ryai stays undecided for a year before going with a major in history with a focus in ancient civilizations. He'd also probably minor in art history.
  • Konguq spent a year backpacking. However, if she absolutely had to go, it would be something like an English lit major.
  • I think if vodren went to college, he'd study something like animal husbandry


What is your character’s most recent or frequent nightmare?

  • Vorlo routinely dreams about his body falling to bits.
  • Bron's last day and a half. (See Night of the Eye)
  • Ryai's most recent one is reliving the scene in the Test of High Sorcery and trying to beg Paladithel not kill Vodren. No matter how hard he begs and wails it happens anyway. It ends after he feels himself become impaled by the thorns that sprout from the ritual.
  • Konguq keeps having nightmares about the wizards trial. She wakes up gasping for breath because it always feels like hands are around her neck.
  • Ace's nightmares used to replay his loss of Tarth. Now it plays scenes of lossing the dandies. The ship goes down, a fight gone wrong, a spell cast badly, prayers unanswered... sometimes individually, sometimes as a group. But either or, he is losing any of his dears friends

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